After Work

I have no finished my gruiling 8 days in a row of work! Have been free yesterday and shall work today and tomorrow - then im free all weekend :) yay!   Now its only 10 days till my brother Gordon comes to sweden.. am super excited, just hope that the weather stays nice ( and it better be perfect weather on the 18th!)
Lately our apartment has felt like a sauna because its so hot out! and we cant have the windows oppen otherwise the cats will jump out...What to do what to do....I wont complain about the weather though (unlike every other swede it feels lie) I am loving the hot 25+degree sunniness - its Lovely :)

Yesterday Eric and I went to after work with Anna and Christopher at Årbryggan and then to Nybron.  Was lots of fun and quite easy to get a little drunk since the after work drink prices are so cheap :p Later Anna, I and Emma went out to Harry's and drank some more :p There wasn't so many ppl out there, but i wont complain, i still had lots of fun :)  Luckily i don't start working till 15:00 today!!

Thats all the gossip from me, Nothing else exciting to tell today.. ByeBye

If only I were a cat.. i could lay around wherever i felt like it - like Elvis and Ebba

Postat av: Lisa Halling

tycker om dig blogg Fran =) titta in på min om du vill. Kram Lisa

2009-07-03 @ 19:41:39
Postat av: Anna

Hehe.. jag tycker om att få många kommentarer. ;) Va bra att du hade kul! Jag hade oxå skoj men gav upp halv två då mina fötter was killing me. Skulle säga hej då men hittade dig inte. Klart vi ska träffas snart igen. =D

2009-07-05 @ 21:26:18
URL: http://myworldmylife

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